I am George ...

- I like to think before I speak
- I show different sides of my personality, depending on who I'm with
- I like having deep, intimate conversations
- I'd rather read a book than go to a movie
- I like to have a lot of control over my life
- You can do what you want, I don't mind - as long as it doesn't impact me negatively
- I am a hard worker, but I do have my limits
- I'm pretty easy-going, but I can assert myself if I need to (which isn't often)
- I'm very perceptive, and I can quickly see people for who they are at their core, underneath the masks they wear
- I like to have a plan and I like stay on schedule
- I need order and predictability in my life - spontaneity is fun once in a while, but shouldn't be the norm
- I don't like to take risks, I prefer a safe and sure thing
- I'm not always self-confident or secure - it takes time to get to know me
- People see me as the voice of reason and a good listener
- I am very analytical, and can easily break down complex things into their smaller, component parts
- I have a cynical and sarcastic sense of humor, but I keep a lot of it to myself (unless you know me well)
- I prefer to have things done my way, but I won't usually insist on it
- I am highly creative, but I might not show you my work if I'm not sure you'll like it
- I'm very insightful, but I'll probably keep my opinion quiet until I'm asked
- It's important to be diplomatic and not rock the boat
- The world is a strange place, and I see a lot of absurdity and irony in it
- I prefer good wine or "classy" liquor over cheap beer
- I would like to be recognized for my work, but I'd rather you point it out than draw attention to it myself
- I prefer to be indirect and passive-aggressive
- I like to project an image of independence and having things under control, and it's hard for me to ask for help or admit that I'm struggling
- I can easily step back from a situation and view it objectively
- I hate trends and the unoriginality of the "mainstream"
- I'm very dependable and stable in a romantic relationship
- I like to express my love in romantic ways (I said "romantic," not "over the top")
- I need stability in life, and I find that stability in my love life and my family life
- I often need a few moments alone to recollect and re-charge
- I like to work ahead of schedule if I can, so I don't have to worry and can just relax
- I can get dark and moody sometimes, and when I do, "leave me alone, don't bother me"
- I like to be efficient, but for some reason, I sometimes over-complicate things
- I like intelligent humor, especially if it gets a bit abstract and surreal
- I'm introspective and always on a self-improvement journey - it's all within yourself, no one else can make you change
- There are some people standing around who'll screw you in the ground
- Sometimes I feel hung up, and I don't know why - but I don't mind too much, because all things must pass
- With every mistake, we must surely be learning
- All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece - but not too much