I am Paul ...

- I am generally very optimistic about everything
- I enjoy being part of the next trend and fad
- I like to be fashionable
- I love being the center of attention
- It is important to me that I express myself
- I am aggressive, and I know how to assert myself
- I can sometimes be too critical of other people
- My professional/public image is not necessarily who I really am in private
- I am very vocal about things
- I have a lot of energy
- It really want to be successful and reach the top
- I am fairly competitive
- In general, I'm quite confident in myself
- How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people? It feels great!
- I have a highly developed sense of intuition
- I have perfectionist tendencies - I don't mind re-doing something over and over until it's right
- I'm sentimental
- What you think is "corny," I think is "cute"
- I know I'm looking good, and I don't mind using that to my advantage when I need to
- I like to repeat funny jokes I've heard
- I prefer to keep things light
- To lead a better life, I need my love to be here
- I feel incomplete in some ways if I'm not romantically involved with someone
- Believe in love at first sight? I'm certain that it happens all the time!
- "Happy ever after" is not only the ideal, it's entirely possible
- I believe in the traditional family and traditional roles
- I love consistency
- I need love and affirmation on a regular basis
- I need to show my partner love and sentimental feelings on a regular basis
- I might be a bit domineering once in a while, but I only have the best of intentions
- My work is important work, and I work hard at it - and I will remind you of that repeatedly
- I am enthusiastic about my job
- I have an opinion on just about everything, and I don't mind telling you what it is
- I feel best about myself when I'm accomplishing something
- Everything is going to be alright - it will all work out in the end
- There is such a thing as right and wrong, and right will win out eventually
- I've got to admit, it's getting better all the time
- I'm in love, and it's a sunny day!
- If you try to see it my way, I'm sure we can work it out