I am Ringo ...

- I think life is whatever you make of it
- I'm a jack of all trades, master of none
- I make a lot of friends, and I like to keep up those friendships - my social life can get crazy sometimes
- I prefer to just get along and avoid conflict if I can
- I love to party and have a good time
- People find me easy to be around
- I'm fairly practical and down-to-earth
- I have a hard time saying "no"
- I enjoy the simple things, because I make them fun
- I have a natural charisma, and people find me very approachable
- I'm very appreciative and grateful - I'm lucky just to be here
- I think I'm just a "regular" person, and that's ok with me
- I do a steady and consistent job - which means I often get overlooked and don't get the credit I should
- I don't get stressed out very easily, because I don't take things too seriously
- People sometimes see me as flippant, but I don't think I am
- I'm a funny person, but my "safe" sense of humor doesn't offend people
- I appreciate the stability of family life
- In my romantic life, I often tend to choose good looks over substance
- I'm an affectionate person
- I can sometimes be a pushover, but I do have my limits
- I might cheat on my partner for a one-night "fling" to have a little fun, but never at the risk of hurting someone
- I'm very consistent in who I am and what I do
- I don't always take the initiative or go above and beyond the call of duty - I like moderation
- I enjoy the good life, but I don't live beyond my means - money can't buy me fun
- I thrive on communication and camaraderie
- I can't change the world, so I'd prefer to work on myself
- I like to see the results of my actions and choices
- I'm highly tolerant of other people, and I'm content to let them live how they want
- I am content with what I have, as long as I have the three F's: friends, family, and fun
- You can search for cosmic meaning if you want - I'll be at the bar, having a drink
- I like bad movies and greasy food
- I think I'm cute - not necessarily "hot," but I'm ok with that
- I don't mind being trendy, if I can afford it
- I can enjoy just about anything - any book, any movie, any music, I see the value in all of it
- I really do get by with a little help from my friends
- I can get into an expensive wine if that's what you're offering, but cheap beer is fine, too - let's go shoot some pool
- I might have a bit of an inferiority complex - I hope you won't stand up and walk out on me if I sing out of tune
- Sometimes the choices that we make will break our hearts, but there are no mistakes
- My philosophy of life is simple: get along with people, keep the peace, show lots of love
- You ask "why?", but I ask "why not?"